A special build poster I came across. I like the way this advert for Bic razors incorporates the surrounding area to help tell the message. I think it is really simple but effective.
This is the follow up advert to Sony's bouncy balls and the splashes of paint advert. Unfortunately I do not think it is in the same league as the first one (the bouncy balls). Everything flowed seemlessly in the first advert and the music complemented it perfectly, helping create the feeling of wonder. It made it seem as though Sony really owned colour. However, in this advert, although I really like the method of animation used, I do not think it is as colourful, exciting and as awe inspiring as the other two. It is still an amazingly high quality advert and I do like it but Sony have set such a high standard with their previous adverts.
I found some interesting facts about the advert:
2.5 tonnes of plasticine were used
200 bunnies
40 animators
and one 30ft giant bunny!
Ad agency: Fallon, London
Production company: Gorgeous Enterprises