I looked at the work of Marian Bantjes when I was working on my D&AD Land Securities project. I was looking at how text can link to other things and become more than just text.

I love the way she makes the typography become part of the image. Each character flows perfectly with the next creating harmony within the image. I like the way that, in some of her work, the viewer has to really look and pick out the text amongst the illustration. It shows just how effective Bantjes is at combining the two. She calls herself a typographer but I think her work shows more than this.

I really like this work as well, although the examples are all quite similar so perhaps she is a little limited? The combination of type and illustration can produce a huge variety of effects, and although I really like the natural, flowing forms of these designs, I think the designer could expand her style and use different colours and shapes in her work.
Yes, I can see what you mean. A lot of her work does follow the same style. This could be a bad thing but at the same time, if this is what the client has chosen, to work with her because they like her style, it is this same style they are after.
Her work is really effective, i know its not good to nessecerily put all your eggs in one basket so to speak but this is more than likely her specialist subject, and with the skills she has im sure she can do other illustrations and typography.
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